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I am honored to be here today and work with you all. It's the our first in person event and I am very excited to share my experience with Blogdown and building website with you all together tonight!

Before we start, can we do a quick survey about your experience with R. Please put your hand up if you worked with blogdown before. Have you worked with R markdown before? Have you worked with R before?

Great! now that I have an basic idea about your experience now. Let's get started!

Notes for next slide

Building website with Blogdown

Danyang Dai

R-Ladies Melbourne Meetup · 2021-05-19

I am honored to be here today and work with you all. It's the our first in person event and I am very excited to share my experience with Blogdown and building website with you all together tonight!

Before we start, can we do a quick survey about your experience with R. Please put your hand up if you worked with blogdown before. Have you worked with R markdown before? Have you worked with R before?

Great! now that I have an basic idea about your experience now. Let's get started!

About Me

  • Graduated from Monash University with Bachelors of Commerce in 2018
  • Graduated from University of Melbourne with Masters in applied econometrics 2020
  • Currently looking for data driven employment opportunities in Melbourne area

Tada: It's an R package!

It allows you to build website in R.

you can publish your website that is created in R with blogdown to world

you can publish your website that is created in R with blogdown to world

Alison is a PhD data scientist and professional educator at RStudio. I have been benefits a lot from here presentations and workshops. Her github is a gold min.

Di is a well-respect professor of business analytics at Monash. She have been super super supporting to me and to R Ladies Melbourne.

Earo is now a lecture at Auckland. She has a very cool customised website

Even they all looks different and unique, they are actaully all using the same Hugo theme which is the academic theme we will be working with today.

Hugo is a static site generator. Blogdown uses Hugo to create and build webiste in R. It also provides the themes we used in Blogdown

What do I want my website to look like?


Here is where you go brows for all the different themes you can adopt for your website.

You can tell and share your stories by adding blog posts in your website using R markdown.

What do I want to put on my website?

Simply use the addins from the top. Cick on new post

Just in case you haven't used R markdown before, check out my last talk from the website in the footnote

Keeping the website to ourself is like a dairy, you might want to share your story to the world. To do that we need to connect our Blogdown project with Github.

How to create a github repo?

here are some very simple steps on how to create a github repo. copy the HTTPS link if you don't know that SSH is

How to clone a repo in R Studio?

We are almost there to make your webiste alive!

That was not enough access it easily. You can simply connect your github with Netlify which host your website for free!!!!

Netlify deploy

Here is a check list before we start making a website using Blogdown

Save you some Googling time

Blogdown installation guide

Github account

Hugo Themes Websites themes


“I web, therefore I am a spiderman.”- Yihui Xie blogdown: Creating Websites with R Markdown

Alison Hill Summer of blogdown

Emi Tanaka Getting down and up with blogging in R

Here are some links I provided for you to save your some googling time. In case you haven't tick all the boxes on the check list, the frist 4 links would help you to set it up.

If you want to learn more about blogdown, I highly recommend blogdown textbook to read more about it.It is a comprehensive guide of blogdown. Also feel free to check out Alsion and Emi's workshop about blogdown. They are great materils for learning more about blogdown

Let's begin our journey

Copy this lines of code to your RStudio Console:

new_site(theme = "wowchemy/starter-academic")

Serve site


Stop serving site


Blogdown automatic serve site everytime you make a change and saved it. So no need to serve site everytime

Let's look at the structure of the files

Be aware that this instruction are to the academic-start theme only. The structure of the files and folders might very from themes to themes

Make some changes

Where should I change to make this mine

Example: experience.md

What is config?

Working time!

check list before publish it to Netlify

  • Check your site's configuration
  • Screens for items you should remove, and for items you can safely add
  • Check your Hugo versions
  • Check your Hugo content
  • Check your Netlify setup

About Me

  • Graduated from Monash University with Bachelors of Commerce in 2018
  • Graduated from University of Melbourne with Masters in applied econometrics 2020
  • Currently looking for data driven employment opportunities in Melbourne area



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